EUMC Future Campus
Church Building Project Summary

In June 2009, an ad hoc committee was formed by the church Board, to conduct a survey into the building of a new sanctuary or finding a place of worship to suit the needs of the growing congregation and the community, as a whole.
2010 - The committee report recommended the building of a new sanctuary.
November 2011 - Formed a five-member building project committee to scout for land.
January 2012 - Purchase of an 18+ acres of land for $330,000.
District Board of Church Location and Building met with the leadership of EUMC, visited site, reviewed and approved purchase.
Blostein/Bart overly architects hired to develop concepts/schematic designs after a brainstorming session with the entire congregation.
Church Charge Conference in July 2013 for project commencement approval chaired by the District Superintendent.
Project to be done in Phases.
I. Phase one - 28,000sf multi-purpose community and Education building.
II. Phase two - 44,000sf Chapel, Sanctuary to seat 1500 and administration building.
Reconstitution of the project committee into a 9-member Committee in August 2013.
In November 2013, Landowner donated adjourning 5+ acres to make it a total of 23+ acres.
Approval granted for tax-exempt status effective January 2015. Payment plan for back taxes (2012-2014).
January 2015 – Completed land parcel consolidation.
The Church Appointed a retired clergy of the UMC, Rev Mike Johnson, and Bart overly of Blostein/Bart overly architects to serve on the committee as ex-officio members.
Updates/changes made on plan - 2016
I. Phase 0.5 - 225 parking lot, land scape,150 seat multi-purpose chapel/offices/rest rooms
II. Phase 1.0 - 1000 seat sanctuary with education and library component.
III. Phase 2.0 Multipurpose community, clinic and education building
In February, Congregation was informed of new updates.
March, 2016 – Met with District Board of church
Location and Building to provide project updates.
2017 – EUMC began search for a general contractor. Lincoln Construction emerged after a rigorous selection process. Runner up was The McKnight Group.
2018 - EUMC reviewed schematic drawings with GC with the view to reduce total project cost.
2020 – Project on hold due to Covid.
2021 - EUMC reviewed cost comparison between renovation of current location vs. new build.
Confirming that new build was more economical, EUMC decided to list currentlocation to support new project.
GC and Eller Architecture LLC submitted new schematic drawings to be built in phases.
2022 - EUMC accepts design and presents to District Board of church locations for approval. Board approves new multi purpose design and sale of 3330 Cleveland ave.
District Superintendent, Dr Tim L Bias, presided over the voting charge conference on May 8 th 2022 to finally commission the sale and construction process.
Bishop of the North Ohio conference, Rt, Rev. Gregory Vaughn Palmer, officially commissioned the capital campaign launch for the phase 1 construction of the new Ebenezer United Methodist multi purpose facility on May 8 th 2022.

Bro. Daniel Assoku
Bro. Kwasi Owusu-Nti
Rev. Robert Ofosuhene Darkoh
Bro. Kwabena Kankam
Bro. Solomon Frimpong
Bro. Albert Yirenkyi
Bro. Charles Amattey
Bro. Daniel K Asante
Bro. Felix Kyere Kusi
Sis. Ruby Pentsil-Bukari
Sis. Joana Quainoo
Dr. Isaac Okai
Sis. Zara Kyere Kusi
Bro. Isaac Walden
Sis. Sandra Abanquah
Sis. Gloria Walden
Bro. Dennis Agyemang Agyapong
Sis. Victoria Ongor
Sis. Samuel K Brefo-Ababio